Franconian Beer Message Board

Bock Bier
Posted by Gerhard Schoolmann on 2018-03-31 08:25:32
Bocks and Doppelbocks are different, but it is not the alcohol content, it is the Stammwürzegehalt wort):
- Bocks have more than 16° Plato
- Doppelbocks havwe more than 18° Plato.
Weizenbocks and Weizendoppelbocks are strong wheatbeers. Bocks and Doppelbocks are strong lager.

Foreigners believe, that spring bocks are pale and automn bocks are dark. But the most automn bocks are also pale.
If a bock will be dark or pale depends on the brewery. In many cases Bocks are only strong versions of their normal beer. If their normal beer is pale, they brew a pale bock. They like to use the same ingredients.

Few breweries offer their Maibock only in the month May, starting the 1st May (p.e. Mönchsambacher). Bigger breweries who sell their beers in markets, like to offer their Maibocks earlier. They wish to sell their Maihocks out before the hot months.

Urbock is only a brand, marketing name. Ursprünglich = Originally, in an old style.. You can also find an Ur-Lager and a Ur-Märzen (Brewery Knoblach in Schammelsdorf) or an Urstoff (Brewery Sauer in Rossdorf).

Eisbocks are Bocks without extracted water.

Traditionally bocks are seasonal brewed beers for the time before christams and the lent time in spring. But some breweries, have seen that there is a demand during the whole year (especially in foreign countries) and so they have decided to offer their bocks all year.

The ending -ator for Doppelbocks was introduced because the brewerey Paulaner has proteced the name Salvator for her Doppelbock. So other breweries has used the ruse to substitue the first part of the word (Salv-) in combination with  the ending -avator. An example. Bambergator (from the brewery Fässla).
     Bock Bier by Euromannn on  2018-03-31 08:38:44
     Bock Bier by Euromannn on  2018-03-31 17:49:22
       Bock Bier by Euromann on  2018-03-31 18:57:50
       Bock Bier by FredW on  2018-03-31 19:07:16
         Bock Bier by Euromann on  2018-03-31 21:24:28
           Bock Bier by FredW on  2018-03-31 21:54:16
             Bock Bier by Euromann on  2018-03-31 23:32:23
               Bock Bier by Andrew H on  2018-04-01 01:26:33
               Bock Bier by Jason on  2018-04-01 02:59:07
       Bock Bier by Gerhard Schoolmann on  2018-04-01 07:46:35
                 Bock Bier by euromannn on  2018-05-17 15:26:02
                   Bock Bier by Jason  on  2018-05-18 04:14:24